About Us

At Communicating Excellence we realize that you have numerous choices when selecting a partner for your team building and development of communication skills. We recognize that there is no one glove fits all approach. While one company may struggle with team building another may suffer from poor communication skills among their employees. With Communicating Excellence every workshop is customized to meet the specific needs of your company. The material used is based on a detailed discussion with you and your team. In this way you get to focus on the areas that are of most importance to you. No two workshops are ever the same.

Communicating Excellence offers you a revolutionary product and a breakthrough in communication techniques. By working as a team, colleagues are able to bring together their diverse talents. There is nothing more powerful than having a committed team. All the exercises utilized for this workshop are tried and true. The aim of the workshop is to give your employees valuable tools so they are able to communicate clearly with one another and with clients. We all use slightly different forms of communication. You will learn to recognize these variations, changing the way you connect with others rather than resting on your laurels. This will lead to an increase in sales and a more productive working environment. This can only be achieved by looking at the whole person rather than a piecemeal approach.

In order to maximize the benefits of any workshop it must keep the participants fully engaged. The material given here is done so through a blend of listening, observing and doing. By working through the exercises in a fun atmosphere the retention span of the material is increased. Having enthusiastic employees is important but if they are not able to communicate their message clearly. The end results may become frustrating not only for them but also for your company. Our workshops are designed specifically for you to get significant results. They will enable your employees to reinvent the way they communicate.

It is our belief that we have the best product in helping your employees communicate their message clearly. Our workshops are at the cutting edge and designed to help your employees better understand the human condition so that they are thoroughly equipped to meet your clients needs and learn how to work more effectively with their work colleagues. Our unique approach is to use practical, hands-on exercises exploring topics such as: body language, building rapport, non-verbal communication, focus and concentration and building bonds. Our workshops are an interplay of mind and body techniques, enabling you to come up with creative solutions to meet any challenge.

Our aim is to have every single one of your employees leave with more practical, hands-on tools than when they arrived. This will leave them empowered to handle any situation that arises and enable them to differentiate themselves from the competition. We can explain our work but you are going to have to experience it for yourself. We are so excited about this work. We cannot wait to share it with you!


Program Contents

Team-Building exercises/Effective Approaches to Teamwork

In these activities there should be an awareness of the group. It requires your greatest persuasive responsibilities to higher the best people that you can and keep them. The participants will learn to work as part of a unit. They will discover that unless everyone cooperates, no one can complete the tasks at hand. In this respect, they have to support one another. They are starting to take responsibility for the group. Every person involved in a company has a vital role to play in reaching a common goal. By working as a unit your company can achieve its targets dramatically faster. The intentional outcome is to have your employees doing the best work of their lives.

Increase sales, customer service through understanding body language, personal space boundaries and building rapport.

Body Language

These exercises explore what is being said through body language. For instance, what are they doing with their hands? Are they standing still or swaying from side to side? Are their arms folded or are they using their hands a lot? Are they smiling or frowning? We must be aware of what are bodies are doing. If you are talking with a client and swaying from side to side you may appear to lack focus or confidence. These exercises will allow you to not only understand what your body language is saying but how to use it to your advantage. Understanding body language allows you to go all out when working with others.

Personal Space

These activities will explore your comfort zone and each individual’s personal space barrier. Personal space can be affected by culture, upbringing and personal preference. Through fun exercises and role-playing, personal space barriers are explored. In the initial encounter with a client you give them a gentle tap on the back. You may have just smashed right through their personal space barrier and lost the sale/account even before the meeting has begun. Understanding personal space boundaries is empowering for the individual and shows respect for others.

Building Rapport

Rapport is really a feeling of sameness. If you have rapport with someone you feel there is something that connects you, perhaps something that you have in common. By learning to mirror other people’s behaviors you can learn to build rapport with other people. Anthony Robbins describes rapport as “the phenomenon of people trading and/or sharing particular behaviors.”[1] Building rapport is of great benefit when working with others. Remembering a persons name is also a simple yet effective way of making an impression.


These exercises explore visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues to improve memorization. Your own potential for recall is greater than you ever imagined. In these exercises you are going to be exercising your memorization muscles. These exercises will also reinforce the use of other senses such as sound and sight, from which participants will learn that memorization increases as more of the senses are used.

Build Bonds

These exercises are about determination, friendship, fun, problem solving and overcoming obstacles. As the participants starts to join the dots, they will find that the connections and the parallels are endless. If a potential client perceives that you are after their money or connections, they may balk. By building bonds you are able to create substantial ties between employees and clients, creating a powerful force.

Break Barriers

These exercises are also about throwing away inhibitions. You will learn to strip away a number of inhibitions that society has placed upon you. By doing so you will be more able to freely reveal who you are. You may feel inhibited, but a potential client may not be. Fundamental change has to come from within. In order to break down potential barriers, you have to be able to let go of preconceived ideas and anything that holds you back from making a connection.

Build trust and add new lines of communication

Trust, support and cooperation are important for every successful business. In order to trust others you will want to learn to trust yourself. As a team-builder there will be times when you will have to put your trust in others. They may make the ultimate decision that controls the outcome. These exercises can help you to move away from the spotlight attitude and toward teamwork. Ultimately it’s the team who decides.

Problem solving activities

Problem solving is often a constant partner in your work. These exercises encourage you to stop every once in a while and figure out what is not working. You are encouraged to discuss different issues with others and experiment to see what works best. Problem solving does not mean persisting in doing what does not work. Problem solving means finding new ways that do work. You are creating products and services that you would want to utilize yourself.

Non-verbal communication skills

In these exercises we will explore the power on non-verbal communication. If you actions are not clear, other people may misinterpret them. Your fellow clients need to know what it is you are trying to say. If your communication skills are not clear then the message will become blurred. When you are fumbling, swaying from side to side, or looking at the ceiling all of these none verbal cues are sending confusing messages and a lack of confidence. The exercises in this workshop will help you to communicate in a more powerful and effective manner.

Exploring creativity and imagination

Numerous people have had their imaginations stifled over many years. As you begin to re-ignite your creativity and imagination, you are training to do something that probably feels foreign to you. These exercises will also help you to remove limitations and inhibitions that can hold back your creativity. The benefits of developing your creativity and imagination are endless.

Physical, mental and creative tasks

If you stand up and start to jump around with your arms in the air you are going to find that your body starts to release adrenaline and possibly endorphins as well. If you sit in a chair, cross your legs, fold your arms and droop your head towards your legs, you are going to find that your body reacts quite differently, possibly by releasing lactic acids. These chemical responses in one’s body can make quite a difference to a person’s life.

Focus & Concentration

In this section we explore exercises such as easy-to apply breathing exercises to enhance focus and concentration. These exercises will help you to complete tasks more effectively and efficiently. So concentration and focus should be like a virus that spreads among those involved in a project.

Becoming aware of the role that the subconscious plays in making our decisions.

The subconscious is a powerful part of human nature and has an influence on pretty much everything we do. Another term for building rapport with others is called networking. It is another absolute skill for those looking to connect with others. You may already do these things to some extent subconsciously. These exercises allow you to do them on a conscious level.

Vocal Confidence

These exercises focus on voice work and breath work. If you can speak clearly, you are going to feel more confident in yourself. Being able to avoid mumbling in meetings or with your work colleagues is going to be empowering for you. Working with the breath shows you ways to complete your sentences without running out of air. This is of tremendous importance when making a sales pitch or presentation of any kind. It is at these times we are most likely to run out of air through nerves.

Developing Listening Skills

Most of the time other people are talking to us we are thinking what we are going to say next. We may be loosing a vital part of their content without even realizing it. You need to be listening in a focused manner to participate fully. If you are only half listening, your mind might wander elsewhere. You have a deeper, wider responsibility than living in an air-tight box. Nobody wants to have to tell you the same thing twice. These exercises will develop your listening skills.

The Power of Observation

Observation is important to create an increasing awareness of your surroundings. So much of effective communication comes from our observations of others so it is imperative that you encourage this skill in your employees as soon as possible. If you observe a client walking briskly into the room they are letting you know that they mean business.

The Importance of Body Alignment and Symmetry

While we could use this section for discussing posture we prefer to use it to discuss health. When an individual’s alignment is out of sync they are more prone to injury. There body will also take longer to heal than that of a more symmetrical individual. A good example is small children who are often able to heal much quicker than adults after an injury. This is in no small way due to the fact that there bodies are more symmetrical than ours. Think of the staggering number of sick days lost in the workplace each year. These exercises take a step forward in reducing that number amongst your employees while increasing their health and vitality.

Overview and Instructor Bio's


We work with a diverse selection of companies. Whether you are a corporation, college or none profit organization we can help. Each of our training programs are designed to meet your specific needs. Our aim is to guide your employees in communicating more efficiently with each other and your clients.

-Our prices are extremely competitive and designed to be accessible to those with varying budgets.

-We can work with group sizes as small as 10 and as large as 100. Due to the material in our workshops we keep our numbers limited so that we can work in detail with your group. We are happy to work consecutive days to meet the needs of larger groups.

-We can organize our workshop in the setting of your choice. The only thing that is required is a space large enough to work with your group size.

-All our instructors are highlyqualified in facilitating the material in these workshops. We recognize that each workshop is only as good as those who facilitate it.

-When you select Communicating Excellence you are choosing a company with very high standards. It is our professional attitude and attention to detail that lets you know that you are in safe hands.

-Contact us at your convenience so we can customize a workshop that is right for you.

About The Instructors

Gavin Levy

Gavin Levy is currently running workshops throughout the United States. He has spent the past twenty years studying the human condition. He has been certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Massage Therapy. His unique training allows him to explore both the mental and physical side of human nature. All exercises in his workshops have been designed to meet the specific needs of the business community. Mr. Levy’s approach is to guide and facilitate participants in each workshop as opposed to teaching them. His diverse background in the field of acting allows him to utilize practical, hands on material for every workshop. He instructed for a number of years at the American National Academy in Studio City, California. He also worked alongside Paul Gleason at the Paul G. Gleason Theatre on Hollywood Blvd. He has led guest workshops at a number of organizations including for the Creative Actors Alliance. He has also led master classes including with colleague Paul Gleason for the organization Women In film. His first book 112 Acting Games, was published by Meriwether in 2005. Meriwether also published his second book: Acting Games for Individual Performers. His third book: Reality Driven Monologues, was released in 2008. His latest book: Acting For Love & Money was co-authored with Paul Gleason.

Levy is a native Londoner who came to the United States in 1999. He trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts and is also a graduate of the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts. From October 1992 through July 1995, Mr. Levy studied theatre at the world renowned Academy Of Live & Recorded Arts. ALRA recognized the need for a new kind of training, one that enabled students to grow into fully-rounded professionals ready to meet the differing challenges of the Stage, Screen and Broadcast industries. Since that time, the ALRA has been training some of the best and brightest in the industry.

Mr.Levy became involved with Theatre in Education and in the Dragon Drama Theatre Company in London. He also wrote scripts for the various workshops, directed plays, and was an instrumental force in after show workshops that were designed to educate students. As an active member of the Dragon Drama Company, Mr. Levy continued to educate students through theatre by teaching them skills through acting and improvisation as well as organizing and coordinating acting workshops.

Gavin Levy has over twenty years of experience, including acting, instructing, directing and writing. Mr. Levy’s desire is to share his knowledge in communicating clearly and breaking down barriers in the work place in ways that adapt to the needs of our modern business culture.

Paul Gleason

Paul G. Gleason has an extraordinary record of achievement in film, television, and theater. He has been working in Hollywood for over fifty-five years. He was fortunate enough to be involved in the golden age of Broadway and television and work alongside Judy Garland, Shirley Temple, Danny Kaye, Jack Benny, Yul Brynner, Jerry Lewis, Carol Burnett, Jackie Gleason, and Ed Sullivan. He also coached and directed Richard Chamberlain, Mary Tyler Moore, John Raitt, Constance Towers, Ed Asner and Academy Award Winners George Chakiris, and Shirley Jones as well as working with Angelica Huston in her father, John Houston's last film the James Joyce novel, The Dead.
Paul G. Gleason was on the selection committee for the United States top artistic grant-giving agency the National Endowment for the Arts, giving grants to some of the most recognized artistsin the world. He was selected by the California Arts Council as artist-in-residence for the State of California. He has run master classes in theater, opera, musical theater, and dance at UCLA, USC, International Artists Center - Tokyo , Japan and London, England. He ran an acting workshop that included Sacha Baron Cohen's character Bruno. Paul narrated Peter and the Wolf with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. He directed the first concert of Andrew Lloyd Webber's music at the Hollywood Bowl. He has a published author and also a certified instructor of the Alexander technique. His latest book which is being reviewed for publication is Artistically Speaking: A 365 Day Journey into Unlocking Your Creativity and Imagination. It was co-authored by Gavin Levy.

Tracie Hunter

Tracie Hunter has a unique background in communication skills. Through directing film she is able to work with others and help them learn the skills necessary to interact effectively with one another. Having taught communication skills throughout Europe, Tracie understands the value and necessity of clear communication. Her passion and drive motivates others for clear communication and team building success.


What Makes Us Different?

No two companies face exactly the same challenges. At Communicating Excellence we recognize that there is no one glove fits all approach. While one company may struggle with team building another may suffer from poor communication skills among their employees. With Communicating Excellence every workshop is customized to meet the specific needs of your company. The material used is based on a detailed discussion with you and your team. In this way you get to focus on the areas that are of most importance to you. No two workshops are ever the same.

Where is Communicating Excellence located?

We’re based out of Austin. Travel is never a predicament for us. Wherever you are located we will come to you.

What Should I Wear?

Each participant is asked to dress comfortably for the workshop. You will not be running around the room but there will be a significant amount of movement. You are asked to wear loose fitting clothing, preferably with a pair of athletic shoes.

Do I Have To Get Up In Front of Other People?

Volunteers will be called up to demonstrate each exercise. If you would prefer to be an observer at this point then that is absolutely fine. When it is your turn to work an exercise there will be no audience.

Can I Choose My Partner?

Some exercises are to be done in pairs and some are done in larger groups. You will constantly be asked to switch partners. This encourages you to break your comfort zone while working with a diverse number of people.

When Will I Begin To See Results?

The way the workshop is designed the material is so effective that you will begin to experience the results immediately. To get the most out of the material you are encouraged to refer back to it as often as needed. It is only by putting into practice what you have learned that your true potential can be realized.

How Is Each Workshop Designed?

No two workshops are exactly alike. Each workshop is designed specifically to meet the needs of your company. Some companies may prioritize non verbal communication whereas others may be more interested in addressing concentration and focus. Through discussion, we will be able to design a workshop to meet your goals and expectations.

How Much Preparation Time Does Communicating Excellence Require?

On some occasions a client will contact us three months in advance. Others are looking for a workshop to be put together for the following week. Please contact us as soon as possible and let us know your schedule; we will let you know how to progress from there.

How Long Is Each Workshop?

We offer a full day workshop (6 hours) and a half-day workshop (3 hours). The time is allocated in order for you to get the maximum benefits from the material offered.

What Type Of Space Is Required?

The size of space depends on the number of participants in your group. There should be enough chairs for everyone to sit but also a good amount of space for everyone to move around. Many of these exercises are interactive.